



正规的棋牌平台排行榜有邻里学校、选择学校和服务学校. 除以下资料外,详情请参阅 主管学生作业程序3130SP.


Option schools provide a variety of programmatic 机会 for families looking for choices in addition to their attendance area schools. Families can apply for assignment to these schools during Open 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 or can be requested for new 学生 to the district at the time of enrollment, 每个座位的可用性. 这些学校有地理分区.


连续正规的棋牌平台排行榜的选择性学校提供独特的服务, 机会, 以及满足学生个人需求的学习环境. 学生可以要求分配到这些学校,也可以转到其中一所学校. 这些学校没有地理分区. Families are welcome to apply to these schools during Open 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 and throughout the school year.

  • Cascade家长合作计划- Gen Ed
  • 跨部门项目
  • 初中大学高中
  • Nova
  • 西雅图世界学校
  • 技术中心
  • 艾伦·T. 杉山高中


学生通常根据个人评估被安排到服务学校. Assignments to service schools are choice assignments except for the 西雅图世界学校, 哪个是指定作业.

  • 头开始
  • 教育正规的棋牌平台排行榜中心
  • 特殊教育协会(儿童之家协会), McGraw中心, 实验教育组, 私立学校服务, 及其他非卫生服务服务)




A program for 学生 currently receiving special education services and is at least the ages 18-21.

桥梁 is a way to service children with intellectual disabilities that require vocational assistance; it’s main focus is post-education in helping 学生 cope with everyday life such as applying for a job, 制作一份简历并保存.

Placement to the 桥梁 program is at the discretion of the student’s Special Education team and case manager.




层叠父母合伙是一个包容性的员工社区, 学生, 他们的家人一起参与进来, 鼓励和授权K-12学生在他们的个人学习之旅. Our school is comprised of three distinctive school components: a grade K-8 in-person partnership working with parent educators; a grade K-5 virtual option with live district teachers; and a grade 6-12 virtual option working asynchronously with an online learning provider. 作为另类学习环境(ALE)学校, 我们努力为学生创造最符合他们优势的选择, 兴趣和需要. Students attend classes and explore interests at Cascade, at home, and in their communities.

  • Parent/Guardian must contact CPPP for a tour at 206-743-3900 or through their Open House.
  • 感兴趣的家庭随后将与校长会面,审阅 家庭教育部分 如果对CPPP感兴趣,提供家庭教育的指导方针和期望.
  • School Registrar will assist families to start the enrollment process to complete the tour. 在校生将由注册主任自动转学,但是 学生 new to the district must follow the online admission process for 正规的棋牌平台排行榜.
  • 在注册过程完成后, the family will meet with a Learning Plan Counselor to outline and review the student’s curriculum and schedule.




跨部门 Academy is a uniquely designed high school that removes equity barriers for 学生 to access multiple transformational learning pathways. 用创伤知情的方法, 民族研究学习框架, 职业技术教育途径, 虚拟学习支持, 我们在每个学生所在的地方见到他们, 同时支持他们成长.



  • 年中转学申请: Currently enrolled 学生 interested in transferring to 跨部门 Academy may do so by emailing the 跨部门 staff 为重新分配. The specialist will go through an intake process to ensure the student’s special service needs (if applicable) and courses can be met.
  • 新来的学生 who are interested in the Academy must first apply through the online registration system where they can make the request to 跨部门 in the registration application with an automatic assignment upon approval.
  • 明年的任务要求 可以在2月中旬到5月31日的开放注册期间申请吗. 在此期间之后,学生可以遵循上述年中转学指南.




中学是一所早期的大学 集中 学生在九年级和十年级在一个小的, 西雅图大学和西雅图学院校园的支持性环境, 为11年级和12年级的全日制跑步计划做准备. 我们提供灵活和创新的结构来支持学生的学业, 社会, 和情感上, 使学生达到高标准,实现他们的目标. 请查看网站上的视频和信息.

  • 学生必须就读于正规的棋牌平台排行榜(SPS) 从10年级开始,至少有3个.累计5学分. All current 学生 interested in attending a 中央大学 school may do so by having a parent or guardian 在线联系正规的棋牌平台排行榜部门, requesting for a transfer to 中央大学; assignments are guaranteed. 在主题行, 类型:转学申请到中学, 在描述框中注明学生合法的姓/名, 学生证(如知道), 学生出生日期, 家长签名.
  • SPS的新学生 是否可以在申请注册时向中学提出申请. Students will be assigned to the main campus at 詹姆斯·鲍德温 pending determination through the intake process. During the intake process school staff determines if the service needs of the student can be met and which location would be appropriate based on student educational and service needs.
  • 不再需要推荐. Student may be reassigned to their neighborhood school upon request and is not subject to Open 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 period for a transfer, 然而, it’s recommended that 中央大学 is given ample notice to ensure a smooth transition to a traditional school.




Nova是一个以学生的声音为中心的自由学习空间. Nova is non-graded and offers an innovative teaching and learning approach that provides inquiry-based instruction where 学生 apply their learning through application, 表演, 以及基于组合的评估来展示能力. 作为另类学习体验(ALE)学校, each student has a personalized learning plan and is held to additional requirements including ethnic studies coursework, 社会正义项目, 社区参与, 社区协议, 以及社会责任.



  • 年中转到Nova的请求: 当前高中SPS学生的家长/监护人可以 在线联系正规的棋牌平台排行榜部门 自动重新分配到Nova. 在主题行, type: Transfer Request to Nova, 在描述框中注明学生合法的姓/名, 学生证(如知道), 学生出生日期, 有父母姓名和电话号码.
  • 八年级的学生  who would like to attend Nova for the following school year may do so by applying through the School Choice process during Open 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 starting in mid-February through May 31 by using a printed school choice form to handwrite Nova on the form as a choice preference and submit to Admissions; this request is a guarantee assignment. 在开放注册结束后, 所有申请均可按照上述年中转学申请的步骤办理.
  • 学校入学程序: There will be an intake process for all assigned 学生 to Nova that occurs every Thursday during normal school hours to determine if special education service needs can be met and also to review the student’s independent learning curriculum.




西雅图世界学校提供个性化的, project-based learning experience for 学生 集中 on computer 科学 and STEM career fields. 我们为来自不同文化的新移民提供服务, multilingual backgrounds who want to increase language acquisition rates and expand their 21st century technology skills.



  • 年中转学申请: 目前就读于正规的棋牌平台排行榜的学生可以申请转学 在线联系正规的棋牌平台排行榜部门. 在主题栏输入以下内容:转到西雅图世界学校的申请. 在描述框中还包括以下内容:学生合法的姓/名, 学生证(如知道), 出生日期, 家长签名. New 学生 to the District must first enroll through the online registration system and can make the request to another school.
  • 下一年任务要求: Students may apply during Open 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 through May 31; assignment is guaranteed. 在开放注册期之后, 学生可以按照上述年中转学指南申请转学. 




The Seattle 技术中心 provides advanced Career and Technical Education (CTE) for high school 学生. 课程提供高中学分, 行业认可认证, 有些课程还提供数学学分, 科学, 体育课, and English language arts; or dual college credit. 项目分布在整个城市, 位于地区高中和社区站点内. Students attend the 技术中心 for half of their school day and their designated high school for the other half, 有交通工具. 课程由行业专业人士教授, 与商业顾问合作. 技能中心的学生可以进入广泛的大学和职业道路, 包括四年制大学, 1年和2年的认证项目, 和学徒制.

艾伦·T. 南湖杉山高中


艾伦·T. 杉山高中网站

艾伦·T. 南湖大学的Sugiyama (ATS)正在进行混合教育. 我们在社区中广泛撒网,寻找表演艺术方面的合作伙伴, 音乐, 广播, 电影制作, design and more to engage our youth and provide 机会 for them to work alongside industry professionals to develop both skills, 网络, 实习是推动职业发展和高等教育的一种手段.

进入艾伦T. Sugiyama:

  • 年中转移 -申请进入艾伦大学的学生. 杉山必须先在正规的棋牌平台排行榜(SPS)注册。. 当前在校生的家长/监护人可以申请转到艾伦T. Sugiyama由 在线联系正规的棋牌平台排行榜部门 为重新分配. 在“主题行”类型中:向艾伦·T转移请求. Sugiyama HS; include in the description box the Student’s legal first/last name, 学生出生日期, 以及学生证(如果知道的话)和家长签名.
  • SPS的新学生 可以要求艾伦·T. 杉山高中在注册时就自行申请了.
  • 明年的转学申请 必须在2月中旬至5月31日的开放注册期间完成吗. 在这段时间之后,学生遵循上述年中转学指南.